Definition of Prime number

1. Noun. An integer that has no integral factors but itself and 1.

Generic synonyms: Prime, Prime Quantity

Definition of Prime number

1. Noun. (number theory) Any natural number greater than 1 divisible only by itself and 1. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Prime Number

prime directives
prime factor
prime factorization
prime factors
prime formula
prime implicant
prime implicants
prime interest rate
prime meridian
prime minister
prime ministerial
prime ministers
prime ministership
prime mover
prime movers
prime number
prime numbers
prime of life
prime quantity
prime time
primer coat

Literary usage of Prime number

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Encyclopaedia Britannica, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and edited by Hugh Chisholm (1910)
"A number (other than i) which has no factor except itself is called a prime number, or, more briefly, a prime. Thus 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11 are primes, ..."

2. The Monist by Hegeler Institute (1908)
"A prime number is a number prime to every other number. Consequently, 1 is a prime number. It is the only prime number that is prime ..."

3. The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements by Euclid, Johan Ludvig Heiberg (1908)
"According to Nicomachus 3 is the first prime number, whereas Aristotle (Topics vin. 2, 157 a 39) regards 2 as a prime number: "as the dyad is the only even ..."

4. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General by Thomas Spencer Baynes (1888)
"A number such аз 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, &c., which is not a product of numbers, is said to be a prime number ; and a number which is not prime is said to be ..."

5. The Theory of Numbers by Robert Daniel Carmichael (1914)
"Show that an odd prime number can be represented as the difference of ... Prove that any prime number except 2 and 3 is of one of the forms 6»+i, 6r>— i. ..."

6. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1919)
"prime number, an integer indivisible by any number save itself and unity, that is, ... The theory of numbers has also shown that "every prime number is (in ..."

7. The universal etymological English dictionaryby Nathan Bailey by Nathan Bailey (1731)
"Prime NUMBER, is that which U only divisible by unity, as 5, 7, i». NUDITIES iin fainting and Scalf- ter;.ii ..."

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